Scanmaster Asset Inspection Ltd supports the Finance and Leasing Industry for the purchase of Plant, Machinery, Tractors, Trailers, General Business Equipment, and anything else that needs Financing..

How do we Help?

Before financing is approved, Scanmaster Asset Inspection Ltd can be used to provide an independent, certified photographic record of the equipment.

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Background to the Problems?

In the current economic climate pressure on companies and individuals is being increased by the banks to reduce overdraft limits and keep them within the securities that support the borrowings, thus putting an even further constraint on businesses.

The need to raise money is being directed more towards the finance companies.

There have been numerous examples where Finance Companies have relied upon the initial information of the financed item only to eventually find that they had been seriously misled by the vendor, purchaser/hirer, dealer or a combination of them.

Although these situations inevitably surface, by the time they do, this rarely results in re-imbursement of either the financial loss or the costs involved in pursuing the matter.

The perpetrators of the deceptions can be fined, imprisoned given community service etc. none of which represents a benefit back to the Finance company.

Thus Finance Companies must take steps to protect themselves, and Scanmaster Asset Inspection Ltd Ltd can seriously reduce this type of risk, thereby making savings on capital loss and the associated staff time and effort involved in pursuing Fraudsters.

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Why do You Need us?

For every £1,000 lost via default, or assets being unrealiable, it can take another £1 million of other revenue to break even. We help you solve this economically!

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